
Thoughts of Pablo

Think of this as a tour of my brain


I should be studying for an exam, but I think I study better under pressure, so I won’t worry about it for now.

Continue reading “Alone”

Untitled #1

Writing, especially poetry, is something I only do when I feel inspired. The moment I lose inspiration, whatever I was writing is as good as dead. However, I hate deleting anything, so no matter finished or unfinished, I will post everything I write on here.

Welcome to my first piece of writing, will it be completed anytime soon? Who knows.


“Where is your God when you are at the mercy of this world?”

She asked, in a voice not of anger nor resent, just pity

“You close your eyes, quiet your brain and follow, like a sheep in the herd”

Her voice is calm but you are not, you are angry, you are petty


They say god does not eat nor does he drink, he does not require sustenance

So why is he fed the flesh of millions, nourished with rivers that run red

Are the lives of thousands of daughters stolen in the name of abstinence?

Do the sons who do not bow down prefer to have no head or taste lead?


This feels cathartic

I have always wanted to do something like this.

A haven for myself, where I can note down my thoughts and reflect on my photos.

I’ve always been too shy, too humble maybe, to share my work

Maybe I can convince myself that this is blog is a secret

Persuade myself I am the only one who knows of it

However, I do have an ego, so maybe I’ll see this as my contribution to humanity

So welcome to my pointless ramblings, shoddy writing and generic photography!

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